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Can you spot the off square wire? - Episode 8 Supplemental - The Tao of Wire

Spot the Off-Square

13 Apr 16
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In Episode 8 – Introduction to Square Wire (included in the free Foundations Skills – Introduction to Wire Jewelry course), I talk about developing the ability to see wire that’s gone off-square. It’s a skill worth developing – both as a maker and as a buyer – because once you’ve learned to see off-square wire, you’ll always be able to see it. You’ll be able to distinguish high quality, well-made wire jewelry from work that is not quite there yet.

To help you, here are some side by side examples of wire jewelry. One piece has off-square bits, one doesn’t. Can you spot the differences?

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Learn how to prevent your wire from going off square. Sign up for the free course Foundations Skills – Introduction to Wire Jewelry today!